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This means that only your self exists, nothing else. All is a creation of your imagination including other beings. Other beings, who may appear to be alive, are actually just projections of your own Being.
This is clearly very difficult to refute, as it is impossible to validate any experiences other than your own and therefore impossible to prove that any life, other than the self, is actually alive and not just a biological automaton that has learned to communicate as if it was alive.
If each of the classical elements is assigned a cosmic projection, the resulting number (8) represents them.
8 oktas means the sky is totally clouded.
(8) The symbol means eternity. Never ending and on going. No start and no end. Just the symbol repeating in the same sequence. Forever.
In numerology 8 is the number of building, and in some theories, also the number of destruction.
More GREAT pictures. I've shared your blog with some of my photography friends who have also enjoyed viewing your work.
This is very nice, I like rail tracks also, so infinite. Anna :)
This is an amazing shot. I came across your site by accident. Sometimes the best things in life are stumbled upon ;)
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